Christopher Heer
Intellectual Property Lawyer, Patent Agent, Trademark Agent
Certified Specialist (Intellectual Property Law: Patent)
Specialities: Intellectual Property Litigation, Patents, Computer-Related Technologies
Rankings and Recognition: IAM Patent 1000 Prosecution, WTR 1000 Enforcement and Litigation, IP STARS Patent Star
Georgina Danzig
Intellectual Property Litigator, Partner
Specialities: Intellectual Property Litigation and Pre-Litigation Disputes, Anti-Counterfeiting Enforcement
Rankings and Recognition: WTR 1000 Anticounterfeiting & Enforcement and Litigation, IP STARS Trade Mark Star
Stephano Salani
Intellectual Property Lawyer, United States Patent Agent
Specialities: Patents, Automotive, Aerospace, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical, Computer/Electronics, Energy, Materials, Robotics, Software
Annette Latoszewska
Intellectual Property Lawyer
Specialities: Patents, Trademarks, Intellectual Property Contracts, Intellectual Property Litigation and Pre-Litigation Disputes
About Us
Heer Law specializes in providing intellectual property law, intellectual property litigation, patent agent and trademark agent services.